How to stay positive and healthy during pandemic

Tips to stay mentally healthy and calm during this pandemic

The pandemic not only changed the way of life, but when the news came out in December 2019, it shocked everyone. The virus changed lives so profoundly that no one could imagine it.  Not being able to meet friends or colleagues, attending online school and university, unable to do what we have done before, has shaken people who were previously active and optimistic. Everyone thought that everything would not return to normal. Which affected our mental health and peace. 


Because of this pandemic, we cannot obtain physical freedom, but we can create our spiritual freedom, which cannot be deprived of, and it also depends on ourselves. It takes a while, and I want to help you find inner peace, hope and self-love. We were and are not meant for isolation and in the absence of control of natural diseases, we can only control our thoughts and maintain a positive attitude.


Here are some tips for you to feel positive and hopeful at home:-


Remember Everything changes.

The situation will never be the same and keep changing. Recall this and try to move on. Everyone is affected by the virus. Thanks to the advancement of science, we have vaccines in such a short period. I hope we can have a normal life ahead. Pandemic will not last forever. It is healthier to think in this way. This will make you less frustrated and easier for you to let go.

Stay positive and practice gratitude.

Maintain a positive attitude and express gratitude. We attract what we think. When we think negatively, we feel pressure and anger. Try to control your thoughts and think optimistically. I like to suddenly think of positive thoughts when I am negative. Check out videos on social media and YouTube to encourage yourself. There are many pages on social media where inspiring and uplifting messages are posted every day. When you feel positive, you can help others think in the same way and attract positivity and abundance. Practice gratitude and thank God for everything you have. Every morning, I am grateful for my health, a roof, food and water, and a new day of life. Every morning and evening, say some positive affirmations that make you strong.

Meditate and give yourself time.

Meditation not only calms down your mind but additionally helps in controlling thoughts. Scientific research has demonstrated that meditation enables one to stay a long and healthier life. After waking up in the morning in preference to searching for your smartphone or any display screen, try and meditate. And for beginners, there’s meditation tunes and guided meditation videos available on a variety of platforms. Don’t try and pressure yourself to meditate or assume positively, supply yourself a bit of time through beginning slowly and practising consistently. Give yourself time to regulate and make adjustments for your lifestyle like napping and waking up early, ingesting healthy food,  spending less time on laptops and smartphones, exercising and doing residence chores.

Connect to family and friends

Get in touch with family and friends. The reason why we are bored and sad is that we cannot meet our family and friends. Meeting people has become an unattainable dream, but we can communicate with them through the Internet. Try to talk to friends and family. Every day, share your feelings and listen to them. Do video calls, play games or watch movies together. Send messages to old friends, learn about their lives, and make more friends. Following social distancing does not mean that we cannot reach them on social media. 

Be productive and use this time

Improve your work efficiency and make the most of this time. Find a hobby. If you already have a hobby, please develop it and share it on social media and inspire your friends. Try cooking new dishes, reading books, learning to dance, gardening, drawing or painting. You can even start writing magazines, periodicals, diaries and journals. Use this time to do things you always wanted to do but couldn’t do because of your work. You will explore things you never thought you could do. And your heart will be filled with joy and satisfaction.

I hope this pandemic ends soon. Till then hang on and be positive and hopeful. Remember you are not alone.